Saturday 30 November 2013

Great expectations...

I said it once before in a blog that I wrote somewhere on this page... In sound of music, Julie Andrews left the convent after unceremoniously having been informed that being married to God and faithful to him and him alone is not necessarily destined for her life. She stood in front of a cross and I think half prayed half convinced herself, that "When God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window..." Never have I experienced that words to be more true than on this last week in my life. During this week so many era's were closed off, and so many new and exciting phases have started.

Last weekend I had the honour of attending my father's last sermon. Beautiful and filled with the beauty of God like only my father were able to preach the His. It was truly an experience and I am thankful that I did the effort of driving the 900 km home to see my dad say farewell to the calling. It was sad though to witness this. My father has been his entire life so devoted to the Man Upstairs that I couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal at the hands of God to just make my father stop doing his job. It was at this specific moment and slightly blasphemous thought that I guess God interjected and reminded me that we are but alive and well and willing by His grace. I spoke to my father about this and his words to me were words of hope and promise and excitement for now he ventures into another era and he gets to feel young again (at the ripe old age of 65...). I cried, but it wasn't tears of sadness because of the closing of an era, but because I was happy for my father to have had such an amazing career and have walked with God in a way that I don't think is ever destined to happen to me. So now... they are uprooting fourteen years of memories and work and are now moving to a new town where I truly pray that they are still to be loved and cared for by our heavenly Father.

However, as amazing as this was, this week was climaxed by an even more significant experience in my own life...After having studied for 5 gruelling years, having sweated and cried and bled social work and all it's shortcomings, after having been told I am not really equipped to be a social worker, after removing children from parents who are not supposed to have the right to bring children into this world and after struggling for years financially... I have finally gotten a job... Yes ladies and gentleman, writing here is the new manager of Boschrand Game Lodge in Winburg, Freestate, South Africa..


I know! After 4 years, and roughly R 120 000-00 and all that shit that I just mentioned, I get to go and manage a 4 star game farm... and yet, I am not saddened by these turn of events... I look at it with great expectation. My dearest friend and colleague sent me a BBM on my moving day proclaiming that he is as excited as a teenager with sex and that he can't wait to have me here.  I allowed my imagination to run free and with this came so many beautiful ideas that I would like to implement here.
I think that this will be good for me. To be here. To be creative. I have worked long enough in this industry to know that I excel in it. I prayed the other day and I told God, "I have no idea what Your plans are with me, but I am willing to go with it."

So here I am. I am sitting watching the sunrise over a view that I have yet to understand is mine to wake up to every morning... and my heart is sad about having left the people I know, but my soul is like a little child bouncing against the walls, excited over this new adventure that is about to unfold.

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