Wednesday 1 May 2013

GOD HATES FAGS... Wait what???!!

Today was a very interesting day...

Our church had a bazaar! So hanging around there with please note, both my parents and my aunt, wen went around having pancakes and braaivleis enjoying the trivialities of being human and part of a congregation. I personally am not a big advocate of the church, which is a little bit problematic especially regarding that my dad is a minister himself of the the Dutch Reformed Church. That is also a whole other blog on it's own.

But i stood there in absolute awe... at the gorgeous men that was there... Honey, a girl has needs!!! And the immediately followed the inevitable guilt. "You are at a church gathering, you syphilitic fool [gasp]." Screw you inner voice!!!

And then followed the resentment...

Now let me please just be clear here. I believe in God, and i definitely believe that Jesus is my savior and that he is the way, the truth and eternal life and that only by Him we will get to God (see? I know my Bible too), but I don't believe in everything the church does or says.

Homosexuals are going to hell. Heaven help us... or rather don't since we are an abomination.

I can't believe for one second that God is that small minded that he doesn't condone love between a man and another guy. Plus, to all those hypocritical straight people out there; if you are sleeping around with woman before you are married, then according to your beloved book you are also doomed to the fire and brimstone that is awaiting you in hell.

I wish sometimes that all people had the opportunity to experience the homosexual life style. We are a jovial lot that loves and cries and cares just the same that you do. I read a post on the internet the one day when trying to understand what it is that the people of the world have against homo's. I was scared out of my skull I might add when I look at some of the riots that are going on in America with regards to the legalization of same sex marriages. Some of the people that stood there with their posters stating that 'GOD HATES FAGS" need to be seriously assaulted with their own bloody signs. After all, Jesus said: "This I [Jesus] say onto you, a new commandment, that you LOVE each other." and as I stated Jesus is my savior not some sad pathetic old woman sitting in the first pew of church every Sunday. So take your bloody signs to a place where they won't offend people or, and this is even better, don't make bloody signs and that way save a tree!

If we can love each other... what a wonderful world it would be.

I love God, I do... but ever since I have accepted my homosexuality it feels like I have to choose between the two. My religion, or Myself, and with all due respect said, how miserable must life be if one cannot accept oneself for who you are. I don't think Jesus would have wanted that. I don't think God wants us to be miserable throughout our lives. He wants us to be happy. So therefore I am, that I am. So therefore to the people who condemn me I say 'BASTA!" nobody cares about your small insignificant little opinions.

So God bless ALL of us. Not just the selective few.

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